
Best 9 Natural Products to Make Your Baby’s Skin Fair


Get Organic Baby Products For Your Baby Skin:

When it comes to a baby’s skin, parents demand hygienic and natural baby care products. Since a newborn has immature and delicate skin, therefore; it is extremely crucial to use organic baby products.

For this purpose, WBM International provides 100% organic skincare products to make sure you develop fair and glowing skin for your baby. In this article, we are going to tell you about 9 natural products that are just what you are looking for. Visit our online store for quick purchases.

Why Do You Need Natural Products For Your Baby?

Before jumping to the point, you need to know why baby products should be natural? When it comes to newborn and developing babies, you are very careful to provide them the best, but what about their skin? Babies have fragile and delicate skin that needs to be protected carefully. In this growing period, the baby skin is immature that reacts instantly to harmful chemicals such as


All of these chemicals can easily penetrate through a baby’s skin and disturbs their immune system which ultimately causes growth and other problems. Moreover, the immune system is in the developing process at this age, therefore; these harmful skin products can cause various skin problems easily such as irritation and rashes.

To avoid this, baby care products must be natural and organic not just to avoid these problems, but to develop fair and glowing skin for your child. Organic and the natural baby product is made from natural ingredients such as plant-based. These ingredients are scent-free that helps a baby’s skin to glow fair, naturally.

Therefore, WBM International has a wide range of organic baby products that are the ideal choice for parents. For more convenience, we’ve filtered the top 9 natural products that make your baby’s skin glow fair naturally.

Although there are many natural products, these 9 organic baby products are the most effective skincare creams to make your baby’s skin glow naturally. Here they are,

Baby Detergents
Baby Powder
Baby Face Cream
Baby Wash
Baby Shampoo
Baby Oil
Baby Wipes
Baby Lotion
Baby Hand cream

1- Baby Detergents:

Detergents are considered an effective solution against tough stains. The powerful ingredients such as bleach, phosphate, and formaldehyde effectively remove fabric stains. However, these chemicals harm the skin as well. They are notorious for causing various skin problems such as irritation


Therefore, these laundry detergents are not suitable for washing baby clothes.

As mentioned earlier, these chemicals can instantly react with immature baby skin. Therefore, special baby laundry detergents are ideal as they are made organically through natural ingredients. These natural ingredients protect the baby’s skin from rashes and make them fair naturally. WBM International provides scent-free organic baby detergents that are concentrated and require less water. Buy baby detergent from our online store that is manufactured 100% organically and appears eligible on safety measures

How To Use?

Measure the liquid with cap, start your washer, add it than clothes

2- Baby Powder:

Baby powders have a lot of influence in making a baby’s skin fair. Diapers sometimes cause minor irritation on the baby’s bottoms. Since their skin is fragile and immature, therefore, they get rashes and irritation promptly. It requires immediate treatment and should not be ignored at all. For this purpose, dermatologists suggest non-talc powders to treat baby rashes, as talcum powders are fragrant and are harmful to a baby’s skin.

Therefore, baby powders are ideal for treating minor irritation and rashes as they are scent-free. We provide you non-talc plant-based baby powder that is rich in,



It effectively treats fragile areas and makes the skin soft and glowing. Get WBM’s non-talc baby powder to treat your baby’s rashes naturally.

How To Use?

Use baby powder between diaper changes especially, at bedtimes.

3- Baby Face Cream:

Babyface cream plays a significant role in making a baby’s skin fair and glowing. The skin of babies is soft and fragile, which needs to be pampered a lot. During the developing period, the baby’s skin is affected the most. Therefore, proper precautions are necessary. Moreover, baby creams are ideal for treating rashes and minor irritation as well. These creams contain castor oil and zinc that works as natural antiseptics. Due to their natural ingredients, they soothe the rash area and prevent them from further coming.

WBM provides baby face cream that is one of the top organic baby products.


Our cream is rich in

ü Vitamin A
ü Vitamin D
ü Vitamin V
ü Honey
ü Fatty Acids
ü Antioxidants

These natural ingredients effectively heal dryness and moisturize your baby’s skin to glow naturally. Use it regularly and avoid contact with the eye. I do so, rinse with water immediately.

How To Use:

Use twice or thrice in a day, gently massages it all over the body

4- Baby Wash:

From head to toe, the baby’s skin must be pampered equally. Therefore, the baby wash is considered an ideal way of protecting your little one's skin. Unlike soaps, baby washes are free from harmful chemicals, synthetics, and fragrances that cause irritation, redness, and itchy problems on the skin.

However, baby washes are free from these harmful chemicals and are composed of natural ingredients only.


ü They are effective in protecting natural oils of the skin
ü Rich in antioxidants to pamper your baby’s skin
ü They do not cause irritation, eczema, and rashes
ü They reduce water pollution as well

At WBM, we have the just thing for you. We provide organic based baby bath wash that provides essential nutrients to your baby’s skin from tip to toe.

How To Use?

Apply all over the body, rub it then, rinse it

5- Baby Shampoo:

When it comes to the skin of your baby’s head, baby shampoo is the best choice to wash hair. Babies have thin and gentle skin; that dries out quickly as compared to adults. Therefore, they need a gentle wash that keeps the essential nutrient in their scalps. For this purpose, baby shampoo such as Johnson’s Baby Shampoo; they are free for harmful chemicals such as,

Synthetic Fragrances
Sodium Chloride

These chemicals are dangerous for a scalp that’s why WBM provides you with organic baby shampoo that soothes your baby scalp and washes their hair without tear formulas. Moreover, there is a 3 in 1 facility i-e


ü Shampoo
ü Conditioner
ü Body Wash

In this way, you will be able to pamper your baby’s skin equally from head to toe.

How To Use?

Wash your baby’s hair with water, apply it, rub it then rinse it

6- Baby Oil:

Baby oil is one of the top-notch baby care products that maintains essential oil nutrients in a baby’s skin. Newborn and developing baby’s skin requires proper care. It is important to moisturize their skin with essential natural ingredients to prevent dryness and patches. A baby oil consists of two typical natural ingredients like

Liquid Paraffin

These emollients moisturize the skin effectively to make it glow naturally and prevent dryness, roughness, and itchy problems from the skin. Therefore, WBM provides baby oil on their online store that is made from


ü Vitamin E
ü Jojoba Oil
ü Organic olive oil
ü Wheat germ oil

To seal moisturizer and give soothing and soft glowing skin to your baby.

How To Use:

Massage it before bath and bedtime twice in the day

7- Baby Wipes:

Parents are quite anxious to keep their baby’s bottom diaper area moisturized and clean. Dirty diapers are the primary reason for rashes on the baby’s bottoms. The dirty diaper increases the natural pH balance of the baby’s skin and causes rashes, allergies, and irritants. To cure these rashes, baby wipes are ideal to prevent skin problems. They are antiseptic that effectively cures skin problem.

Since baby wipes are one of the effective sources in curing skin problems of infants. Therefore, WBM provides high-quality Johnson's baby wipes. They are fragrant antiseptic wipes that prevent the skin from rashes, allergies, and other problems. For convenience, clean your baby’s bottom with baby wipes every time before replacing the diaper.

How To Use:

Use it after every diaper change

8- Baby Lotion:

To make your baby’s skin fair and glowing naturally, the baby lotion is the ideal choice. It is one of the most effective sources of moisturizing skin. Baby lotions provide all the essential nutrients to the skin. Moreover, the baby lotion is equally beneficial for adults as well.

Therefore, WBM International provides you Johnson’s baby lotion that prevents dryness and moisturizes the skin with all the essential nutrients. Get it now from our online store, visit now.

How To Use:

Massage it twice or thrice all over the baby’s body, especially the face.

9- Baby Hand Cream:

Baby hand cream is composed of all the natural ingredients such as aloe, vitamin E, liquid paraffin, and petroleum jelly that make a baby’s skin glow healthy and fair.

Shop Johnson’s baby hand cream at WBM International online store.

How To Use:

Massage it twice or thrice all over the body, especially hand

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Best 9 Natural Products to Make Your Baby’s Skin Fair

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Updated on June 01, 2021

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